Saturday, July 19, 2014

The Wind Factor

If we get winds coming from the East like today for the paddle, we will be back in Paamul in no time!

Image courtesy of

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Friday, July 11, 2014

The View for the Journey

A little science lesson (in metric and imperial) for anyone that is interested :)

Distance to the Horizon

Ignoring the effect of atmospheric refraction, distance to the horizon from an observer close to the Earth's surface is about; 
d \approx 3.57\sqrt{h} \,,
where d is in kilometres and h is height above ground level in metres, or
d \approx 1.22\sqrt{h} \,.
where d in miles and h is height above ground level in feet,
  • For an observer standing on the ground with h = 1.70 metres (5 ft 7 in) (average eye-level height), the horizon is at a distance of 4.7 kilometres (2.9 mi).
  • For an observer standing on the ground with h = 2 metres (6 ft 7 in), the horizon is at a distance of 5 kilometres (3.1 mi).
  • For an observer standing on a hill or tower of 100 metres (330 ft) in height, the horizon is at a distance of 36 kilometres (22 mi).
  • For an observer standing at the top of the Burj Khalifa (828 metres (2,717 ft) in height), the horizon is at a distance of 103 kilometres (64 mi).
  • For an observer atop Mount Everest (8,848 metres (29,029 ft) altitude), the horizon is at a distance of 336 kilometres (209 mi).
Information courtesy of Wikipedia

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Tuesday, July 8, 2014

The Paddling Team

On August 23, Doug, Jimmy, Kyle and Erik will be embarking on a mission for a mission.  Here is a little background about the paddlers...

Doug Millar residing in Paamul, Mexico
Doug dedicates his life to the families and visitors of the Mayan Riviera through his ministry

Jimmy Stewart residing in Vancouver, British Columbia
An international shipping logistics guru by day, Jimmy is turning his dreams into reality with Wetcoast Surf Co. by building unique custom surfcraft in Canada.

Kyle Beck residing in Austin, Texas
Industrial designer by trade, Kyle uses his knowledge and experience to make other peoples ideas and dreams into reality with

Erik Beck residing in Vancouver, British Columbia
Mining Engineer working in the diamond mines of the Canadian Arctic by day, Erik is transforming the way Canadians heat their homes with

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